Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, November 26, 2001

Tung Encourages Economic Links With Guangdong

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa on Monday encouraged Hong Kong business people to capitalize on the opportunities flowing from the mainland's WTO entry and strengthen economic cooperation with the Pearl River Delta.


Hong Kong's Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa on Monday encouraged Hong Kong business people to capitalize on the opportunities flowing from the mainland's WTO entry and strengthen economic cooperation with the Pearl River Delta.

During his meeting with representatives of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (CMA) Monday, Tung said that Hong Kong people should remain confident about the economic prospects in view of Hong Kong's many advantages, including our unique position, favorable business environment and pool of entrepreneurial talents.

Economic restructuring was the only way if Hong Kong were to preserve its economic vitality, create greater prosperity, and maintain our standard of living, he said. "We must do our best to move up to higher value-added activities," he added.

Stressing that Hong Kong should capitalize on the opportunitiesbrought about by the mainland's accession to the World Trade Organisation, Tung noted that Hong Kong will strengthen economic links with the Pearl River Delta and establish an economic and trade office in Guangzhou.
