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Yunnan Jerky

(People's Daily Online)    17:01, August 15, 2013
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Jerky in Yunnan can be divided into three types: Hui jerky, Zang jerky and Dai jerky. Each of them has its own features and ways of eating.

Hui People have had the eating habit of dry salting beef jerky since ancient times. The ox, which will be used to make beef jerky, first should be raised for half a year so that it can be strong enough. Normally, the slaughter procedure is conducted in the mornings of October and December (lunar calendar) and it brings festival mood to the village. Skilled butchers cut the ox into 24 parts and hang them on the walls or eaves to make them dry, and then salt them in the evening. After having been salted for 15 to 20 days, beefs are taken out from the jar and will be given a thorough airing. It takes another 15 days. When the airing procedure is done, the jerky is ready to eat.

Tibetan cut the beef into lumps and then add salt and peeper into it to make beef jerky. It is extreme cold in the northwest part of Tibetan areas, so jerky can be made at all seasons.

In contrast, since it is hot all year round in Dai area, Dai people slice the beef so it is easy to dry. They also have the custom of salting sour beef.

The way of eating varies from areas to areas as well. Hui people are used to fry or sauté beef jerky while Dai people usually roast the jerky with burning coals, chop it with wood sticks, tear it into strips and then fry it or eat it directly with seasoning. Zang people cut the jerky into slices and fry them to make them crispy and spicy.

(Editor:YeXin、Chen Lidan)

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