Fri,Sep 13,2013

Travel Guide for the Mid-autumn Festival in China (6)

(China.org.cn)    09:02, September 13, 2013
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Laoshan Mountain, Qingdao City, Shandong Province (qdlaoshan.cn)

Laoshan Mountain, Qingdao City, Shandong Province

With its highest peak rising up to 1,133 meters above sea level, Mount Laoshan is situated in Qingdao, on the southeastern Shangdong Peninsula. Facing the Yellow Sea, it is one of China's major scenic resorts and has long held the reputation as China’s most famous mountain overlooking the sea.

The mountain is known for its oddly shaped rocks, ancient trees and crystal-clear springs. The entire mountain covers 446 square kilometers (44,600 hectares) and features 218 places of interest, both large and small. There is neither intense heat in summer nor is there severe cold in winter.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Chen Lidan)

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