China commemorates the 70th annv. of the victory of war of resistance against Japanese aggression
Facebook Twitter 新浪微博 google plus Instagram YouTube Tuesday 1 September 2015
Changjiang nuclear power plant begins trial operation
The Unit 1 of the nuclear power plant in Changjiang county finished loading nuclear fuel on Aug. 28, which indicates that it has begun the trial operation with nuclear fuel, according to CNNC on Tuesday.
IAAF official speaks highly of the blue sky in Beijing
2015 Beijing World Championships in Athletics brought to a successful close on the night of Aug. 30, 2015. The air quality during the game was excellent.
U.N. Secretary General defends attendance to China’s V-Day parade
In response to Japanese government’s concerns over his attendance at the parade held by China, U.N. Secretary General said it is very important for the world community to learn from the past and move forward.
China's identified gold resource ranks world's second
At present, China's identified gold resource has reached 9,816 tons, ranking world's second, according to a forum on gold and mining held recently.
China's New Advertising Law: No endorsement for child stars
After Sept. 1, no more less than 10-years-old child stars would be seen in advertisements, and in addition to that, the new advertising law has released other strict rules to regulate celebrities' endorsements.
42-year-old man admitted to same university second time
Wang Hongai, a single man of 42, becomes a freshman of Wuhan University of Engineering Science for a second time.

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