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Two Men Arrested after Hunting and Cooking Wild Python in SW China

By Zhu Xi (People's Daily Online)    06:00, April 15, 2016

Two brothers surnamed Guan were arrested for hunting the wild python under the first-level state protection in Bobai County, southwest China’s Guangxi province.

The brothers captured and killed a 3-meter-long snake that weighs 15 kilograms when they went  tomb-sweeping during the Qingming festival on April 5, 2016. They brought the snake home, cooked its meat, and took photos of the process to show off on the Internet.

Forest police of Bobai spotted these photos and shortly afterwards arrested the two for illegal hunting of endangered animals.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Bianji,任建民)

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