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Monkey shaped whisky, symbolic of the coming monkey year

By Huang Jin (People's Daily Online)    16:17, October 23, 2015

Monkey shaped bottles of whisky are produced at Suntory's Yamazaki distillery on October 20, 2015 in Shimamoto, Osaka, Japan. Monkey is next year's zodiac sign.

Every year, the company will produce the zodiac sign bottles. It has been the 34th year. This time the bottle's shape is designed to a cute monkey holding a drumstick.

A total of 15,000 monkey bottles of whiskey will be launched. The filling operation is expected to last until November 16.

The monkey whiskey of 600 ml is sold at 8,800 yen excluding tax ($73). It will be on sale in Japan's major department stores and supermarkets from Nov. 10.  

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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