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Full-time housewife becomes 'the riskiest job'

(People's Daily Online)    13:14, May 18, 2015

"We found in our 2014 matrimonial survey that full-time housewife is now becoming the riskiest occupation, and the post-80s generation experiences the highest divorce rate," says Zuo Liang, a senior consultant of a relationship rematch, a Chinese organization that helps people to save their relationships or marriages. The organization recently hosted a "happiness open class," aimed at teaching full-time housewives how to protect their marriage and maintain their relationship.

Statistics show that 4.2 million couples divorced in 2014, 13 percent more than in 2013. "Of all occupations, full-time housewives have the highest divorce rate," says Zuo Liang. "30 percent of the cases I deal with involve a full-time housewife." As Zuo explains, because the husband is emotionally and psychologically active at work, while the wife stays at home limited to activities such as cleaning and baby-sitting, the husband gradually feels less connected with his wife, and might even lose respect for her.

Equality, respect and understanding are of great importance in a marriage. Whether working at an occupation or working at home – a full-time housewife would make more money than a professor if all the work she does was evaluated in monetary terms and paid for - a couple should always respect each other, and make sure their roles are equal in the family. When problems occur, the couple should always try to understand each other first, and communicate with each other.

"Being a housewife is a life-style choice. But before you make the decision, you should think it through carefully. Besides passion, one should also have psychological preparation and life skills to make this 'job' work," Zuo Liang suggests. "Women should always be independent, and aware of the need to protect their interests in a marriage." 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Zhang Qian)

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