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Xi attends Russia's V-Day parade, marking shared victory with Putin

(Xinhua)    09:59, May 10, 2015

Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the military parade marking the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, in Moscow, Russia, May 9, 2015. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

MOSCOW, May 9 -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday attended a grand military parade held in Moscow to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War, Russia's term for World War II (WWII).

Xi, hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, was among more than 20 leaders of countries, regions and international organizations to attend the commemorative event.

President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan were welcomed by Putin at the Kremlin on Saturday morning. Accompanied by Putin, Xi, together with other distinguished guests, walked to Red Square and ascended to the reviewing stand to watch the Victory Day parade.

At 10:00 a.m. (0700GMT), the commemorative event began. Eight guards of honor marched into Red Square carrying Russia's national flag amid the WWII-themed song -- "the Sacred War".

Delivering a speech at the event, Putin said the victory of the Great Patriotic War was decisive for the WWII and saved Europeans from Nazi Fascism.

He noted in particular that China was the main battlefield in Asian countries' resistance against militarism in WWII, sacrificing millions of lives.

The Russian president stressed that the commemoration today is meant to build a peaceful and tranquil future based on equality and non-alignment among countries.

Amid Russia's national anthem and rumble gun salutes, the grand parade started. About 15,000 servicemen, marched into Red Square proudly in many formations.

In the historical part, Russian soldiers of three services wearing the uniforms which servicemen wore in 1940's and holding military flags of the patriotic war, goose-stepped into the Red Square, as a reminiscence of the war time experience.

In the modern part of the parade, Russia's military regiments of three services as well as the military equipment formations passed by the reviewing stand, as jets roared overhead.

China's guards of honor, consisting of 102 members, joined the parade and marched through the Red Square.It was the first time for Chinese soldiers to participate in Russian Victory Day parades. Xi waved to them.

Xi then walked with other leaders to the nearby Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to lay red flowers in salute to the soldier who sacrificed lives in the WWII.

May 9 is the Victory Day of Russia's Great Patriotic War. The Soviet Union made great contribution in the fight against the German Fascist forces in the European theater, which cost the Soviet Union 27 million lives.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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