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Asian, African leaders vow to combat epidemics, infectious diseases

(Xinhua)    21:06, April 23, 2015

JAKARTA, April 23 -- Leaders of Asian and African countries here on Thursday underlined the importance of closer international collaboration and coordinated responses to combat epidemics and communicable diseases.

In the 41-item Bandung Message, which was adopted at the conclusion of the two-day Asian-African Summit, leaders agree to overcome the challenges by supporting the implementation of Universal Health Coverage to improve access to health services, social safety nets and health security.

They also stressed the importance of strengthening people-to- people contacts by facilitating and encouraging interaction and exchange among youth and women.

In the message, the leaders emphasized the importance to promote and strengthen disaster risk reduction, including preparedness, response and early recovery efforts.

Leaders of some 30 countries from the two continents and representatives from around 100 nations attended the Asian-African Conference events, running until April 24.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yuan Can,Bianji)

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