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China's equipment winning fame abroad

(People's Daily Online)    15:10, April 15, 2015
The train of the Addis Ababa light railway is in operation, Feb 1, 2015. Photo by Ni Tao/Peopel's Daily

China is currently carrying out technical cooperation and transfer with many countries. This is the result of the country's economic development in the past 30 years, the manifestation of recent improvements in manufacturing and industrial technology, and an important indicator of China's strengthening economic and trade relations with other countries.

Hydropower Technology -

Achievement of Pakistan's "Three Gorges Project"

Located in the northern part of Pakistan, the Neelum–Jhelum Hydropower Plant has a total installed capacity of 969 MW. Its annual generating capacity will reach 515 MW, accounting for 12 percent of the country's total annual power generation. The plant is expected to bring 45 billion rupees per year in revenues for Pakistan (1 US dollar = 101 rupees). China's advanced technology has supported the plant.

Tao Jie, deputy general manager and chief accountant of the Gezhouba Group Pakistan Branch, told People's Daily that the project, regarded as Pakistan's “Three Gorges Project”, is the largest international project under construction undertaken by Gezhouba Group.

To complete the project with high efficiency, the Gezhouba Group Pakistan Branch has applied advanced Chinese technology in many processes. The project also introduced a tunnel boring machine to Pakistan for the first time. The equipment uses high-tech solutions to guide and monitor all tasks, including electronics, information, telemetry and remote control, so that the tunneling process is always performed to the highest standards.

It is believed that the project is providing almost 3000 jobs for the region. More importantly, Pakistan has now joined the ranks of those countries with tunnel-boring machine expertize, and its hydropower and tunnel construction have reached the world's advanced level.

Transmission Technology -

Ease the electricity shortage in northern Brazil

The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) won the tender for Brazil's Belo Monte Hydropower ultra-high voltage (UHV) transmission project in 2014. Located in the Amazon region, this is the world's fourth largest hydropower plant. After construction, the project can transmit power over a distance in excess of 2000 kilometers, alleviating problems of electricity supply in heavily populated areas.

Brazilian President Rousseff expressed his congratulations when China won the bid. The local mainstream media believe that the introduction and promotion of the HVDC technology will bring revolutionary changes to hydropower development in northern Brazil.

This is SGCC's first international UHV transmission project. Chang Zhongjiao, deputy general manager of SGCC Brazil Branch and chief executive officer of the Belo Monte project, pointed out that the project is of great significance in the process of China's technology, equipment and experience "going global", and in the win-win cooperation between the two countries. China is the world's only country to have put a UHV transmission project into commercial operation.

According to the Brazilian government, the project is expected to create 58,000 jobs.

Light rail Technology-

Help Ethiopia build first-class light railway

Contracted by the China Railway Group Limited, the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa's light railway is the first modern light city rail system in east Africa. The project is now in test operation.

Zhang Qilin, an official at the Ethiopian light rail project department of China Railway Group Limited, said that the department has employed blasting construction in Addis Ababa. Local technical personnel have been taught the relevant technology on construction sites in the city.

To deal with various technical difficulties, the department also set up a laboratory qualified to the same level as China's domestic railway industry standards. According to laboratory director Wang Jiahong, the laboratory, whose role is to ensure construction quality, is equipped with the most complete and advanced functional facilities and testing equipment in Ethiopia.

In addition, the project has invited visits from a large number of students from Ethiopia's universities and colleges to study construction techniques. The students have become an outstanding engineering and technical resource for Ethiopia.

Workneh Gebeyehu, Ethiopian Minister of Transport observed after his visit to the construction site that Chinese builders possess advanced construction skills and work with great efficiency. The Ethiopian light railway has become a demonstration and benchmarking project.

This article was edited and translated from 《中国装备“走出去”赢得赞誉》, source: People's Daily, author: Yang Xun, Yan Huan, Ni Tao.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Du Mingming,Gao Yinan)

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