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President Xi to Attend Moscow Celebrations of WWII Victory: Lavrov

(CRI Online)    10:09, April 08, 2015
Xi Jinping (file photo)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the Russian government expects Chinese President Xi Jinping is going to attend celebrations in Moscow in May marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.

He's made the suggestion following a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Moscow.

At the same time, the two foreign ministers also discussed the overall ties between China and Russia, with both hailing the current relationship.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

"Both countries share the belief that relations between Russia and China, our overwhelming partnership and strategic cooperation, have already become one of the important pillars for the development of both countries and one of the important safeguards for peace and stability in the region and the world."

For his part, Lavrov says Russia remains eager to broaden its economic ties with China.

"I would like to specifically underline that our strategic cooperation is developing transparently and is not aimed against anybody, but first of all is within the interests of our countries and peoples, both in our bilateral relations and in international affairs."

The economic relationship between China and Russia has been on the rise over the past year, including the signing of a major natural gas deal.

The two sides have also been working on programs to create more small-scale cross-border trade along their shared border in Heilongjiang.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Yuan,Liang Jun)

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