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China hands over more medical supplies to Ebola-stricken Sierra Leone

(Xinhua)    10:53, March 14, 2015

FREETOWN, March 13 -- China on Friday handed over a new batch of medical supplies worthy of 15 million U.S. dollars to the government of Sierra Leone.

The supplies included 40 ambulances, 10 pickup vans, 30 motorbikes, as well as 1,000 hospital beds.

While addressing the gathering organized here to mark handover of the supplies, with the attendance of President of Sierra Leone Ernest Koroma, Chinese Ambassador Zhao Yanbo said China will not relent in assisting Sierra Leone until "the end of Ebola."

He commended the progress the government of Sierra Leone has made in the fight against the deadly virus, pledging "with joint efforts we will win the fight."

Zhao hoped the materials will go a long way in rebuilding the health system in the African country and at the same time intensify the fight against Ebola.

In a sign to mark 40 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries, China donated an earth bio-safety lab just days ago. Also, China has already airlifted about 5,000 units of personal protective equipment for schools nationwide in prepation of the opening of schools this month.

President Koroma was grateful for the gifts China heaped on his country, saying "I don't know when to stop thanking our Chinese brothers."

President Koroma recalled that China was the first country to " come to our help at the outbreak of the virus in May 2014 by dispatching over 5 cargoes of planes loaded with medical supplies, equipment and personnel that helped in the initial fight against the virus."

These materials were "timely, strategic and significant" in the fight, which reminds all that Ebola is still with us until the entire country is registered Ebola free for 42 days according to WHO standards, said the president, who reiterated his promise to personally go to China to register his thanks and appreciation.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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