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Inspector says coordination key to anti-corruption investigations

(Xinhua)    15:57, March 04, 2015

BEIJING, March 4 -- A senior Chinese disciplinary official has called on inspectors to strengthen interdepartmental coordination to ensure effective investigations.

In an article published on the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's (CCDI) website on Tuesday, Li Xiaohong, an official with a central inspection group, said such coordination should be a major aspect of inspection work.

Inspectors should work with Party organization authorities during investigations, thus, assuring that wayward officials were brought to task, he said.

In addition, cooperation with police, procuratorate and judicial organs during the questioning of subjects, as well as information sharing and legal matters, would result in stronger cases.

Moreover, an information sharing mechanism should be established with audit agencies, further guaranteeing a systematic working practice, Li said.

He also identified the need for a framework to advance information sharing with agencies in charge of receiving public petitions, which would lead to the identification of violations at an earlier stage.

Heads of those organizations inspected should be signatories of inspection reports, Li said, making them accountable for addressing the issued uncovered. He added that supervision of leading officials at the city level or below should also be intensified.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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