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Thousands affected by SW China earthquake

(Xinhua)    09:53, February 22, 2015

KUNMING, Feb. 21 -- Over 10,000 people were affected by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Saturday morning, local authorities said.

The quake, at a depth of six kilometers, hit Mojiang Hani Autonomous County at 6:37 a.m.. No casualties have been reported. A total of 276 houses were damaged.

Disaster-relief is underway and losses are being assessed.

As it forms part of the circum-Pacific seismic belt known as the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Eurasia seismic belt, Yunnan is prone to earthquakes. In August, a 6.5-magnitude quake there killed more than 600 people.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Chun,Bianji)

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