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Visual feast for upcoming festival-passage to China

By Gao Yinnan (People's Daily Online)    09:53, February 10, 2015

Passage to China, a large-scale documentary series produced by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific (DNAP), was released in Beijing on Feb 9. 

The three-episode documentary is a visual feast for audiences to get a closer look at China. In each episode, the presenter Denise Keller will lead the exploration of the heritage and development of Chinese culture and its integration with other civilizations in the world. 

The documentary, covering nearly 10 provinces across China, shows different Chinese landscapes and unique ethnic cultures to international audiences and reflects the inclusiveness, innovation, and vitality of Chinese culture, said Li Liyan, assistant secretary of the Bureau for External Cultural Relations of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, at the launch ceremony.

Li said that the documentary also includes multiple clues to the origins of culture and intriguing elements of culture and entertainment, enabling audiences to acquire an all-round awareness of Chinese culture. 

Zhang Fang, DNAP senior vice president and general manager in China, said that he had been delighted to cooperate with the Ministry of Culture in producing the documentary. 

China’s long history and abundant culture provides numerous themes for a documentary, and Discovery will pay close attention to the developments and changes in China in presenting to the world a portrait of a civilized nation with great cultural charm, said Zhang. 

The first episode of Passage to China will debut on Feb 21. During Spring Festival the documentary will be televised on Discovery’s TLC (Travel & Living Channel) in 15 languages in 37 countries and regions around the world. After Spring Festival, Chinese audiences can watch the program on the Travel Channel, the DNAP official website and Chinaculture.org, an English-language website sponsored by the ministry of culture, as well as other new media platforms. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Gao Yinan,Zhang Qian)

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