Wed,Dec 17,2014
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City of London Police crackdown on Christmas counterfeiters

By Bai Tianxing (People's Daily Online)    09:53, December 17, 2014
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LONDON, Dec. 16 (People's Daily Online) —— Detectives from the City of London Police’s dedicated IP crime unit (PIPCU) arrested three people in morning raids and seized more than 1,500 suspected fake goods on 9 Dec 2014 as part of a crackdown on counterfeit goods being sold online in the lead up to Christmas.

The operations form part of the force’s current ‘12 online Frauds of Christmas’ campaign which has been rolled out across the country to protect millions of people from falling victim to cyber-fraudsters.

Detectives from PIPCU arrested a 31 year old man at his home on suspicion of selling counterfeit designer watches online following a referral from the Intellectual Property Crime Unit (IPCU).

Upon searching his home, officers found and seized around 1,500 suspected fake watches from a range of top designer brands, which if sold at the genuine retail price are worth around £1million.

In Leeds, the unit arrested a 26 year old man and a 28 year old woman at two residential addresses following a referral from the Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG), a trade organisation which represents rights holders in the branded goods sector.

The man and woman are suspected to be two of the UK’s top sellers on social media for counterfeit designer goods. Approximately 150 suspected fake goods were seized from the two properties including designer shoes, handbags, clothes and watches.

They were taken to local police stations for questioning and cautioned by officers.

Head of PIPCU, DCI Danny Medlycott said: “We would urge anyone who thinks they have unknowingly bought counterfeit goods this Christmas to report it to Action Fraud.”

Tim Mascall, Director of the IP Crime Unit said: “It is important for us all to remember that this not the victimless cottage industry that the counterfeiters would have us believe, but rather a well organised international criminal enterprise, often with links to other types of serious crime.” 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Qian,Huang Jin)
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