Mon,Nov 17,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Chinese museum collects letters from families of Nanjing Massacre victims

(Xinhua)    10:12, November 17, 2014
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NANJING, Nov. 16 -- A museum dedicated to mark Nanjing Massacre said on Sunday it will collect letters from the massacre's survivors and family members of people killed in the massacre.

The collection is scheduled to start later this month for a state memorial day honoring the massacre victims on December 13, according to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.

The museum will collect letters grieving over the victims or calling for peace.

The letters will be published on the museum's website.

Japanese troops captured Nanjing in late 1937, killing about 300,000 people over the course of more than 40 days. The massacre is also called the Rape of Nanking.

(Editor:袁灿、Liang Jun)
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