Fri,Jul 11,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Afghanistan situation discussed in Beijing

(Xinhua)    07:31, July 11, 2014
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BEIJING, July 10 -- The Senior Officials Meeting of the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process was held in Beijing on Thursday and a joint press statement issued.

The meeting was co-chaired by Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin and Deputy Foreign Minister Ershad Ahmadi of Afghanistan and attended by representatives from 42 parties, including Heart of Asia countries.

Delegates discussed the upcoming fourth ministerial conference which will take place in Tianjin in August and reached abroad consensus that the conference will help transition, peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan.

A press statement called for completion of Afghanistan's electoral process in accordance with established constitutional mechanisms and legal frameworks.

(Editor:Sun Zhao、Yao Chun)

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