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Tuesday, January 04, 2000, updated at 09:35(GMT+8)
World Chirac Defines France's Priority During EU Presidency

French President Jacques Chirac said on Monday that the priority of France during its rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second half of this year will be "the welfare of mankind."

Chirac made the statement during a New Year resolution ceremony held at the Elysee presidential palace with Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.

He also said the reform of EU institutions, the enlargement of the union, and the "development of European defense and security" are also on France's agenda during its EU presidency.

"A Europe of the people, a Europe of jobs, innovation, a Europe of social protection, a Europe of culture, youth and research," Chirac said.

France will succeed Portugal for the EU presidency in the latter half of this year. (Xinhua)

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