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Friday, December 24, 1999, updated at 13:57(GMT+8)
Editorial Bless You, Macao!

Our news covering in Macao is coming to an end. As we are going to leave this place, we are depressed at parting: What appears before our eyes is still the spectacular event of Macao's return to the motherland, what are ringing in our ears are still the cheers for celebrating Macao's home-coming. At this moment, the heartfelt remark that wells up in our minds is: Bless you, Macao!

We wish greater development for Macao's economy and a more prosperous future for the region. Return to the motherland has opened up a brand-new page in the history of Macao's development and has earned it a new opportunity for its advancement. Although Macao's development still faces some difficulties, it has many particularly favorable natural conditions. Macao is separated from Honk Kong only by a strip of water and is backed by the hinterland of the motherland, it is closely linked especially with Zhuhai and the economically booming Pearl River Delta. With such location, they can develop each other's strong points and make up each other's weaknesses and join hands to develop cooperation. Being oriented to overseas, Macao serves as an important bridge linking China and Europe. It can expand the space of development by giving play to its superiority of having a high degree of internationalization. What is more important is that Macao compatriots have become masters of this piece of land. Basing itself on reality and keeping an eye on the future, the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) both brims with vigor and works in a down-to-earth manner. They can definitely succeed in fulfilling the heavy task entrusted to them and bring benefits to Macao.

We wish Macao will become a "place of happiness blossoming with lotus" where people live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy social harmony and stability. The mass media here holds the unanimous view that Macao's return to the motherland has provided a fundamental guarantee for solving some knotty social problems. At the meeting celebrating the founding of the MSAR government, President Jiang Zemin pointed out, "the Central Government will firmly support all necessary measures taken by the MSAR government for maintaining Macao's social stability". This declaration has won the hearts of Macao compatriots. Mr Edmund Ho Hou Wah has repeatedly indicated to the public of Macao that an important task after the assumption of office by the MSAR government is to quickly solve the pressing problems to the most concern of the public. People are convinced that the MSAR government is fully resolved and able to overcome difficulties and to accomplish great deeds. What unfolds before the world's people will be a brand-new Macao enjoying peace and prosperity.

We wish Macao will become a land of promise featuring unity and harmony. For historical reasons, Macao has the unique background where various races coexist in harmony. Friendly coexistence between the Macao public, and between the Macao compatriots and inland compatriots is very important, it is equally very important for the Macao Chinese to get along well and respect each other with Portugal's descendants in the region. All residents, regardless of their race and skin color, have the opportunity to participate in equal competition. Bringing about the continued development of such friendliness and harmony by stimulating everybody's vigor will create a good environment for Macao's economic development and social progress.

With favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions, Macao has an internal environment and external conditions for stable development. So long as it makes exploration and progress and works hard with concerted efforts, Macao will, without doubt, have a bright future.

We wish you great happiness, our lovable Macao! (By Bo Hua and Jin Hai)

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