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Monday, December 20, 1999, updated at 01:13(GMT+8)
China Chinese President and Premier Meet Portuguese President and Premier

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji met with Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio and Prime Minister Antonio Guterres in Macao December 19 evening.

During the meeting, President Jiang said that Macao has given him a good impression and that he has full confidence in the successful implementation of the principles of "one country, two systems" and "Macao people administering Macao."

Present at the meeting were Vice-Premier Qian Qichen, Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission Chi Haotian, Secretary-General of the State Council Wang Zhongyu and chief executive of the soon-to-be established Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Edmund Ho Hau Wah.

The outgoing Portuguese Macao Governor Vasco Rocha Vieira also attended the meeting.

The Chinese and Portuguese leaders will shortly attend the Macao handover ceremony.

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