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Saturday, December 18, 1999, updated at 10:11(GMT+8)
Education French Firm Offers Scholarships to Shanghai Universities

France's Alcatel company, a world communications giant, recently signed agreements to offer 800,000 yuan in scholarships to two big-name universities in Shanghai, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University.

The awards will go to outstanding students majoring in communications, computer science and electronic engineering.

The scholarships will be extended to the schools from 1999 to 2003, going to 140 undergraduates and 60 postgraduates who demonstrate superior knowledge of world events as well as the potential for success.

Under the agreements, scholarship recipients will also be given the opportunity to visit the French company and attend its training courses.

Alcatel, which began its business in China in 1983, has so far funded 21 companies in China and employed some 4,500 people, with a combined investment of more than 420 million US dollars. (Xinhua)

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