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Friday, December 10, 1999, updated at 15:18(GMT+8)
Education 3 Million Students Expected to Enter College in 2000

A total of 3 million senior middle school graduates will be able to continue studies at institutions of higher education across China in 2000, an increase of 200,000 over this year's figure.

This was revealed today by Zhang Baoqing, vice minister of education, at a national working conference for the higher education enrolment plan for 2000.

Zhang said that in the next three years, China will continue to enlarge college enrolment quotas and more educational opportunities will be available for youth.

Provincial governments will be responsible for management of higher vocational education, which is an important part of the higher education management reform.

Statistics show that Chinese colleges enrolled 2.8 million students this year, setting a record for enrolment since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.

The central and local governments will increase educational input, and educational departments will help colleges get more bank loans to ensure sustainable developments of higher education. (Xinhua)

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