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Wednesday, November 17, 1999, updated at 09:57(GMT+8)
World Cyprus, Russia Sign Police Cooperation Agreement

Cyprus and Russia on November 16 signed in Moscow an agreement on police cooperation aimed at preventing and combating crimes, the Cyprus News Agency reported.

The agreement was signed by Cyprus Justice and Public Order Minister Nicos Koshis, who is on a three-day official visit to Russia, and Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo.

Speaking after the signing ceremony, Koshis said Cyprus and Russia attach great significance to developing international cooperation in curbing crime, protecting public order and securing human rights and freedom.

The agreement, he added, "upgrades and strengthens even further the two countries' cooperation in preventing, combating and investigating various crimes by exchanging information, experts and training staff."

Koshis is accompanied by top police officers of Cyprus as well as officials of his ministry.

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