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Thursday, November 11, 1999, updated at 09:36(GMT+8)
Sports Japanese Defeats Uzbekistan in Asian Women's Football Game

Japan dominated the match over Uzbekistan, winning 5-1 Wednesday in the 12th Asian Women's Football Chanmpionship.

The Japanese, runners-up in this event four years ago, used their skill, speed and experience with devastating effect in outclassing their taller and heavier rivals to move on top of Group C with their second straight win.

Thailand thrashed Nepal, 5-0, in the other game delayed by rain due to a sudden heavy downpour as the Thais stayed in the running with their first win in two outings while eliminating the Nepalese who took their second loss.

In Bacolod on Tuesday, defending champion China turned a well- balance attack into a 15-0 rout of Guam for its second consecutive victory and grab the solo lead in Group B.

Seven Chinese players put their name on the scoreboard, led by Wang Jian's four goals, in dealing the Guamanians their first loss in the tournament.

South Korea kept its semifinal bid alive by crushing Kazakhstan 6-0, to rebound from a 2-5 setback to China last Sunday. Both teams now tote 1-1 win-loss records.

"We weren't able to play as well as we wanted because of the humid weather and the condition of the field," said Japanese coach Tamotsu Suzuki, who nonetheless was pleased with the team's performance overall.

Anticipating Japan's explosive attack, Uzbekistan played conservative football from the start, packing its backing with as many as six players at a time in a bid to hold down the score.

But the Japanese made the most of their slight openings, with Jumi Obe finally drilling the icebreaker in the 11th minute from pointblank off a right corner kick, the ball rolling through a phalanx of Uzbek defenders.

Asako Takakura added the second goal 10 minutes later as the veteran of the first two Women's World Cups fashioned the game's most spectacular shot.

Practically kneeling and the Uzbek defense set to pile on her in a penalty box scramble, the 31-year-old midfielder completed a 180-degree turn and swept the goal past lunging goalkeeper Irina Kutsilo from 10 feet.

Burly Uzbek forward Nargiza Abdurasulova made it 2-1 in the 32nd minute, scoring from the right side of the goalmouth despite two tackling Japanese defenders.

Nami Otake, closely marked during the entire match, then cut loose from her guard in front of the goal with a minute left in the first half, looping the shot over Kutsilo's outstretched hands from 15 feet to give Japan a 3-1 halftime lead.

Otake, who scored four goals in Japan's 9-0 demolition of Thailand, added two goals in the second half for a hat-trick, the last a 20-yard volley in the 62nd minute that completely demoralized the opposition.

To compound the Uzbek's woes, striker Ekaterina Pak badly twisted her left knee after a struggle within Japan's goal area and will be sidelined for the rest of the tournament, including their game against the Philippines on Friday.

Thai striker Penprapai Prompuy scored two of her team's five goals, which were all made in the first half as play was suspended by 10 minutes as heavy rains fell over the Iloilo Stadium.

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