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Thursday, November 04, 1999, updated at 10:16(GMT+8)
Business China Buttresses Trade with Quality Control Rules

China will be more vigilant about its product quality inspection rules so as to promote foreign trade and protect the interests of its people.

Over the past 20 years, more than 5,200 Chinese and international companies have been granted 40,000-plus quality inspection certificates from Chinese authorities.

China this week announced a ban on wood packaging for goods shipped from the United States and Japan which have not been treated for a lethal pest.

An official from the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (SAIQ) said that this is not a retaliatory move in response to the similar US ban on Chinese wood packaging.

It is estimated that the ban will affect one third of the exports from the US and Japan to China. In 1998, the two countries' exports to China totaled 16.96 billion and 28.21 billion US dollars respectively.

The Chinese government has already officially licensed 12 inspection and quarantine agencies and 148 inspection laboratories. The biggest is the China Quality Certification Center for Import and Export Commodities.

At the opening ceremony of the Exhibition of Quality Certification Achievements in the field of China's import and export commodities, SAIQ Deputy Director Wang Fengqing said that the inspection and quarantine system has not only helped improve product quality and competitiveness of Chinese companies, but also safeguarded the health and security of the Chinese people. (Xinhua)

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