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Tuesday, November 02, 1999, updated at 09:31(GMT+8)
China Sino-French Exchange Memorandum Signed In Shanghai

A memorandum on friendly exchange projects during the 1999-2001 period between Shanghai and France's Rhone-Alpes Region was signed on October 31 in Shanghai.

Under the agreement, both sides will enhance exchange and cooperation in trade, higher education, science and technology, vocational training and basic education, agriculture, environmental protection, and culture and health care.

Middle- and small-sized enterprises of both countries are also encouraged to step up cooperation through visits, seminars and exhibitions.

Shanghai mayor Xu Kuangdi and chairwoman of the Rhone-Alpes Region Anne-Marie Comparini attended the signing ceremony.

Since 1986, the year Shanghai established friendly relations with the region, and the two sides have reaped fruitful cooperative results.

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