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Monday, November 01, 1999, updated at 09:37(GMT+8)
World China, Algeria Issue Joint Communique

China and Algeria issued a joint press communique calling for further strengthening of bilateral relations, following a two-day state visit by Chinese President Jiang Zemin in Algiers October 31.

During cordial and friendly talks between President Jiang and his Algerian counterpart Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the two sides reached broad consensus after wide-ranging and in-depth discussions on bilateral relations as well as international and regional issues of common concern, and signed accords on economic, technological and trade cooperation, the document noted.

Both sides held that President Jiang's visit to Algeria is of historic significance to the bilateral relations at the turn of millennium and that the successful visit will vigorously push forward existing friendly cooperation between the two countries.

The communique said the two sides are satisfied with the healthy and steady growth of friendly bilateral cooperation based on the five principles of peaceful co-existence over the past 40 years and more since the establishment of diplomatic relations, and are ready to work together for stronger and broader cooperation in the new century.

Given the huge potentials and bright prospects of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, the two sides will draw upon on each other's experiences to make up for their deficiencies and constantly explore new areas of mutually- beneficial cooperation, while their governments will create conditions and facilitate two-way trade and investment, the communique said.

In the document, Algeria reiterated that the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the sole legitimate representative of the entire China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the PRC. Algeria supports, as always, China's cause of reunification and opposes any attempt by Taiwan to "re- enter the United Nations" and the so-called "two-state theory" aimed at splitting China.

China appreciated Algeria's stance and stressed that although the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are yet to be reunified, the status of Taiwan as part of China remains unchanged, as does the status of China's sovereignty over Taiwan. This is an indisputable fact recognized by the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, the communique said.

On the issue of Western Sahara, the two sides stressed their support for the UN- proposed solutions and the Houston agreement as well as the efforts by the UN Secretary General in arranging a free and just referendum for the Western Saharan people, seeking peaceful solution to the conflicts and safeguarding regional security and stability.

The communique noted that President Bouteflika has made efforts for national reconciliation and restoration of domestic security and stability, which are broadly endorsed by the Algerian people, as clearly demonstrated by the referendum on September 16 this year. China speaks highly of and fully supports the efforts by President Bouteflika in consolidating security and stability of Algeria and laying the foundation for national revival.

The two sides made positive comments on the coordination and cooperation between the two countries in the international arena of human rights, the communique said. They maintain that the protection and development of human rights are a lofty cause of mankind and that the international cause of human rights will truly progress only if the universal principles of human rights are integrated with the specific realities of each of the countries.

They stressed that both sovereignty and human rights are sacred and inviolable and the latter needs protection by the former. As a matter of fact, it is not that human rights transcend sovereignty. Rather, without sovereignty, there would be no human rights. Any infringement upon the sovereignty of other countries under the excuse of humanity and human rights are drastic retrogression of human society. Countries should cooperate in the field of human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

The two sides agreed on increasing understanding and narrowing differences through dialogue and opposing confrontation in the area of human rights or interference in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. They are determined to continue with the efforts to protect the rights of a vast number of developing countries and to promote the healthy growth of the international cause of human rights.

In the communique, the two sides welcomed the latest development in the Middle East peace process and maintained that a comprehensive, just and lasting peace serves not only the fundamental interests of the people of all countries in the region, but is also conducive to the peace and development of the world.

The international community has obligation and duty to help relevant parties in the Middle East overcome difficulties and remove obstacles so as to advance the peace process. China and Algeria will, as always, support the Middle East peace process and contribute to the realization of peace in the region, the communique said.

The two countries noted that although Africa made enormous contribution to mankind's civilization, colonialism in history not only enslaved African people, but also destroyed the ancient and brilliant civilization in the continent. The rapid development in the world's political and economic situation has posed serious challenge to the African people as well, the communique said.

Africa, though hindered by unfavorable factors of history and reality, is rich in natural resources and possesses huge potential of development. Africa is entering a historical, new phase of seeking peace, stability and development as African countries are working hard looking for a political model and development path suited to their national conditions, the document said.

Vast numbers of African countries constitute an important force on the international political stage. World peace cannot be achieved without the stability in Africa, nor can a global prosperity be realized without the development of the continent.

The two countries believed that African people, who have made the historic stride by winning political liberation and realizing social progress after long and arduous struggle, can rely on their own efforts and the help of international society to gradually achieve economic emancipation and take another stride of social progress in Africa, thus making new and enormous contribution to human peace, development, civilization and progress.

The Chinese side highly praised and strongly supported President Bouteflika for his important efforts in defending Africa 's peace, stability as well as the rights and benefits of development, which China believes will yield positive results in the future, the communique said.

Both sides maintained that the world is undergoing a profound change, with continued development of political multi-polarization and economic globalization. While the international situation is moving towards detente in general, unstable factors still exist. Peace and development will still be the main themes in the next century, the document said.

The two sides stressed that countries, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community and are entitled to choosing political system and developing path according to their own national realities.

They point out that the five principles of peaceful co- existence, namely mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence, should be norms of behavior governing new international relations.

The two sides appealed to the international community to pay attention to the challenges economic globalization poses to developing countries and listen to their voice. Developed countries should take more action to earnestly help developing countries, the African countries in particular, to strengthen their economic security and enhance their ability to develop.

They stressed that the international community should strive for the establishment of a just and rational international political and economic order.

President Jiang invited President Bouteflika to visit China next year and Bouteflika accepted the invitation with pleasure, the communique said. (Xinhua)

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