Chinese Legislature Convenes to Pass New Law
China's top legislature, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), vowed during its meeting Saturday to combat heretic cults, eliminate manufacturing of shoddy products, and ease the economic burdens on farmers.
The committee passed by a 114-0 vote, with two abstentions, a resolution on banning heretic cult organizations, including Falun Gong, and preventing and punishing cult activities.
Wang Weicheng, chairman of the Law Committee of the NPC Standing Committee, explained the content of the draft revision before the vote.
The draft was submitted to the legislative body for discussion when it met on Monday.
Entrusted by the State Council, Agriculture Minister Chen Yaobang gave a report on the work to help farmers increase their incomes and reduce their burdens.
The legislators, including NPC Standing Committee Chairman Li Peng, also heard a report on implementation of a law on product quality control.
While delivering the report, Chen Guangyi, chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the NPC Standing Committee, said the overall level of product quality is far from satisfactory.
The seven-day 12th meeting of the NPC Standing Committee will close Sunday with several more new laws expected to be passed.
HomeNews 1999-10-31 Page1
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