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Thursday, October 28, 1999, updated at 16:29
Sports Former Long Jump World Champion May to stay in Sport

Long jumper Fiona May, who hinted she will quit from athletics career this summer, said Wednesday she will continue to compete.

The 1995 world titlist and 1996 Olympic silver medalist in the long jump said she will no longer triple jump, though, reports from Milan said.

The British-born May began competing for Italy in 1994, and the next year became the country's first female world champion in track and field.

In August, May said at the World Championships in Seville, Spain she was "90 percent" sure she would quit at the end of the season.

"I'll aim to jump well with any eye on the Sydney Olympics," May was quoted as saying on Wednesday.

The Italian wound up with the silver medal at the championships when Niurka Montalvo of Spain surpassed her with the next-to-last leap of the competition. Italy quickly protested, contending Montalvo had gone past the takeoff line, but a six-member Jury of Appeals let the jump stand.

Replays showed Montalvo's shoe was right at the edge of the foul line.

In addition to her four medals from Olympics and World Championships, May's resume includes the 1997 world indoor title and the 1988 world junior crown.

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