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Syrian President Praises China's 50 Years of Achievements

  Syrian President Hafez al-Assad Saturday said China has made great achievements over the past 50 years, specially since its adopted the reform and opening-up policy 20 years ago.

  Al-Assad made the remark during a meeting with visiting Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian and his delegation.

  Chi, who is also vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission, conveyed to al-Assad greetings from Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

  Chi said l999 is an important year as it marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the return of Macao, a key step toward the reunification of the motherland.

  On the issue of Taiwan, Chi said: "we are going ahead with the principles of 'peaceful reunification' and 'one country, two systems,'" adding this can not be undermined by any separatist act or foreign force.

  He also stressed that the issue of Taiwan would not remain as this forever and the Chinese people and army are able to solve it.

  He expressed thanks for the Syrian support for China's reunification and and its adoption of "One China" policy.

  Chi welcomed the recent developments of the Middle East peace process, saying China would continue to play its role and exert influence on the international community for a comprehensive and just peace in the region.

  On the Chinese-Syrian relations, Chi expressed confidence that bilateral ties would be strengthened through concerted efforts from both sides.

  The Syrian president expressed wishes that the Chinese people could realize the great goal of reunification under the leadership of President Jiang and that China would grow stronger in the coming century.

  Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Talas and Chinese Ambassador Wu Minmin were present at the meeting. (Xinhua)

TopNews 1999-10-18 Page7

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