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Jiang's Visit to Britain to Further Strengthen Bilateral Ties

  The British First magazine has published a special report on China to mark the state visit to Britain by Chinese President Jiang Zemin and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

  In their inscriptions to the magazine, Jiang, Queen Elizabeth II and other leaders expressed hope to further enhance Sino- British friendship and cooperative ties.

  Queen Elizabeth II said, "This visit will further strengthen the important ties between our two countries and I look forward to welcoming His Excellency Mr. Jiang Zemin."

  President Jiang Zemin said, "I am looking forward to visiting the United Kingdom and believe that my visit will be conducive to the further development of the comprehensive Sino-British co- operative partnership."

  British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, "Both governments recognize the need to continue to build our political relationship, so that we can better pursue our common goals for world stability and progress."

  "UK-China relations now involve not only our two governments, but also a host of other public and non-governmental organizations and individuals operating in the fields of commerce, the arts, science, health and education," he noted.

  "President Jiang Zemin's state visit to the UK will be a notable and timely event. The state visit will celebrate our two countries' closer relationship, and I am confident that it will lead to yet closer co-operation," Blair said.

  Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, in an article written for the magazine, said, "The Chinese government attaches great importance to the long-term and stable cooperation with Britain. The further development of relations between China and Britain is in the mutual interest of our two peoples and is also conducive to world peace and stability."

  "Let us have our eyes on the future, enhance our mutual respect and trust, and make joint efforts to establish overarching and stable trans-century cooperation between our countries and promote mankind's civilization," Zhu said in the article. (Xinhua)

WorldNews 1999-10-18 Page1

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