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Facts Speak Louder Than Words and Lies Will Collapse by Themselves--Further Refutation of the Cox Report

ĦĦĦĦOn May 31, the head of the Information Office of the State Council made a speech on the US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns With the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Cox Report) released by the Select Committee of the US House of Representatives. He pointed out that the concoction of the Cox Report was a farce with the aim of instigating anti-China sentiments and undermining Sino-US relations. In order to clarify the truth and give the facts, the Information Office of the State Council has conducted further investigations of the issues raised in the report. Voluminous facts indicate that the essence of this report is to fan anti-China feeling and undermine Sino-US relations. To achieve this political purpose, the report leaves no stone unturned to distort facts, substitute one thing for another, make subjective assumptions and groundless accusations and resort to demagogy. The conclusions of the report, therefore, are utterly absurd and do not hold water. Moreover, it even acts contrary to the general knowledge of basic science and technology in many aspects. The release of the report has not only aroused the strong indignation of the Chinese people, but also invited severe criticism from personages with breadth of vision in the international community, including the United States.

Chinese 1999-07-16 Page2

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