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People's Daily Online Makes Real Time Special Report on Arctic Research Expedition

  Starting from July 1 when "Snow Dragon" of the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition team weighed anchor from Shanghai, People's Daily Online ( has since begun with a special column to make real time reports on the whole process of China's Arctic research expedition on the Internet. By logging in the column, readers will have access to reading the latest news dispatches from Ren Jianmin, People's Daily reporter aboard the ship of "Snow Dragon".

  In the last two weeks since the column is on, it has aroused great interest among readers both at home and abroad. Readers have come to an accumulated number of nearly one thousand, page views amounting to 4 thousand.

  In his letter carrying the signature of "A Chinese who cares for Arctic Research Expedition", a reader wrote: "I am a Chinese living and working in Canada. I think the expedition is not merely for making a study on the environment of the globe. For a nation, it also signifies the spirit of reclamation and exploration."

  Shi Xing, a teacher from Shanghai Foreign Languages University, is an earnest reader of People's Daily Online. He said in his letter "People's Daily Online makes it possible for us readers to know the latest news of the research expedition. Its reports make me feel that I have personally participated in the research expedition."

  In his email to Ren Jianmin, Mei Jianmin who is now studying in Canada wrote: "from March to July in 1998, I had the opportunity to make a 4 month field observation on the Arctic Ocean. The experience has given me a deep understanding of the financial and technical difficulties that might be encountered on the Arctic expedition. I am very proud of the prosperity of science research in my motherland."

  The readers' correspondences receive warm welcome from the crews aboard "Snow Dragon". Ren Jianming printed the letters and posted them on the wall of a dining hall that have found a wide readership on the ship. One of the letters has been selected and published on the newspaper "Arctic Exploration". According to Chen Liqi, head scientist of the expedition team, the most influential report on the event is from People's Daily Online.

HomeNews 1999-07-15 Page5

Full Story in Chinese

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