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Non-Communist Parties of China Refuting Taiwan Leader's Remarks

  Members of China's non-communist parties on July 14 refuted the separatist remarks made recently by Lee Teng-hui, saying the remarks reveal his intention to undermine China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and that this is opposed by all the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots.

  Zhou Tienong, the executive vice-chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee's Central Committee, pointed out that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China and none can change this fact.

  Qian Weichang, honorary chairman of the 8th Central Committee of the China Democratic League, said that Lee has strayed too far on the separatist path and has risked the future of Taiwan and its people, something that is certain to make all the Chinese people more wary and that they will strongly oppose it.

  Wan Guoquan, honorary vice-chairman of the 7th Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association, said that the one-China policy is the foundation of the cross-straits relations and that Lee's intention is to separate Taiwan from China and make the Taiwan issue an international one.

  Xu Jialu, chairman of the 10th Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy, pointed out that Lee's remarks have posed a great threat to the cross-straits relations which are developing smoothly in recent years. (Xinhua)

HomeNews 1999-07-15 Page1

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