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Don't Play with Fire -- China's Military Indignant at Taiwan Leader's Remarks

  The Liberation Army Daily of China says in a commentary on July 15 that the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army are extremely indignant about the separatist remarks made recently by Taiwan's Lee Teng-hui.

  The People's Liberation Army has made big strides in modernization and formalization and is determined enough and strong enough to guard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the commentary says.

  The People's Liberation Army has been entrusted with the sacred mission of guarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, it says, and the Chinese government has constantly called for a peaceful reunification of the motherland, but has never undertaken to renounce the use of force.

  It goes on to say that it fully supports the solemn and just stand of the Chinese government and is closely monitoring the developments on the Taiwan Island.

  In the battle for reunification and against divisiveness, the paper says, the army will take the will of the state as its supreme will and the nation's interest as its supreme interest, and it will never tolerate separatist conspiracies or sit idly by and watch even an inch of territory being cut off without taking action.

  On July 9, Lee told a German radio station that cross-straits relations should be defined as "state-to-state or at least special state-to-state relations" and this was later echoed by Taiwanese officials who said that cross-straits talks are "bilateral talks between two states."

  The paper says that Lee Teng-hui is playing with fire again, and, in answer to a question about why he is doing so, it says he is attempting to undermine the "one China" principle and to split Taiwan from China.

  He tore off his masks and exposed his ugly divisive side when he broke away from his usual guise of being committed to reunification of the motherland, it says. (Xinhua)

Opinion 1999-07-15 Page1

Full Story in Chinese

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