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Beijing Gets Prepared for Next Universiade

  On the evening of July 13, the 20th World Universiade closed in Palma, Spain. After the flag handover ceremony, people turned their eyes to Beijing, host of the next Universiade.

  In the past days since the opening of the 20th Universaide, Palma has been busy holding the matches while Beijing delegates have been busy inspecting the organizing work and venues in Palma. In order to be better prepared for the 21st Universiade in 2001, Beijing Mayor and Chairman of the Organizing Committee Liu Qi led a delegation to Palma to hear suggestions from related persons.

  Compared with Palma, Beijing is superior in "hardware". Beijing now has more than 30 big well-equipped stadiums and a special sports village for the 2001 Universiade. As to the "sofewear", Beijing is experienced in hosting large activities. Liu Qi has expressed his full confidence while reporting to the congress of the International Universiade Confederation. He said that he is sure the next Universiade in Beijing will be a success, carrying forward the spirit of peace, friendship, progress and hard struggle.

  This is the promise of Beijing.

  It should be pointed out that 2001 Universiade will be the first comprehensive world sports held in China since its founding. As the International Olympic Committee will vote for the 2008 Olympic host barely after the 21st Universiade, the 2001 means both challenge and opportunity to Beijing.

SportsNews 1999-07-14 Page8

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