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Mongolian President Hails Upcoming Visit by Chinese President

  Mongolian President Nachagyn Bagabandy said that the forthcoming state visit by Chinese President Jiang Zemin to Mongolia will be of great significance for the development of relations between the two countries.

  The visit, scheduled for July 15-17, is an important event that will promote mutual understanding and trust, Bagabandy said in an interview with Chinese correspondents in Ulan Bator.

  October 16, this year, marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

  The Mongolian president, who has visited China three times with the latest in December last year, noted that it is the unshakable policy of his country to pursue the long-term and steady good neighborly relations and cooperation with China based on equality and mutual benefit.

  China is one of the countries with which Mongolia will develop relations with priority, added the president.

  The development of Mongolian-Chinese relations is not only in the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also conducive to peace, stability and progress of the entire Asian-Pacific region, he said.

  Pleased with Mongolia's economic relations with China, he said, China, whose trade volume with Mongolia in 1998 quintupled over the 33.6 million U.S. dollars in 1990, has become a major trade partner of Mongolia.

  Bagabandy suggested that the two countries promote cooperation in large-scale projects such as mining, expansion of traffic links and the construction of natural gas pipes and power lines linking Russia and China.

  The president said that Mongolia will make all efforts to further boost ties with China in line with the pact on developing friendship and cooperation between Mongolia and China, signed in 1994, and the joint statement on the development of bilateral relations oriented toward the 21st century, signed in 1998. (Xinhua)

WorldNews 1999-07-14 Page6

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