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China, Australia Issue Joint Press Communique on China's WTO Accession

  Following is the full text of a joint press communique on China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), issued by China and Australia in Beijing July 13:

  On the occasion of the Australian Foreign Minister Mr. Alexander Downer's visit to the People's Republic of China ( hereafter referred to as "China"), Mr. Downer held a productive meeting with MOFTEC Minister Shi Guangsheng in which they reviewed progress in China's accession to the WTO. China and Australia wish to jointly announce as follows:

  China and Australia confirmed the outcome of the bilateral negotiations on China's accession to the WTO during the Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade Mr. Tim Fischer's visit to China in May 1999, and decided to conclude their overall bilateral negotiations on China's accession to the WTO.

  China and Australia agreed that the two negotiating teams shall continue their work on technical verifications so as to notify expeditiously the WTO Secretariat of the results of their bilateral negotiations.

  Australia supports China's early accession to the WTO. China appreciates such support. Both sides agreed to work together in Geneva to reach conclusion on issues being discussed in the Working Party and to facilitate China's early entry to the WTO.

  The successful conclusion of Sino-Australian bilateral negotiations will promote the further development of the economic and trade relations between the two countries. (Xinhua)

WorldNews 1999-07-14 Page4

Full Story in Chinese

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