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Chinese Media Continue Refuting Lee Teng-hui's Separatist Remarks

  Our newspaper, the People's Daily, publishes a commentator's article to refute Lee Teng-hui's long-standing intention to split China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

  Lee said on July 9 in an interview with a German radio station that cross-Straits relations should be defined as "state-to-state or at least special state-to-state relations" and this was echoed by other Taiwanese officials, who said that relations between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan have developed from relations between "two equal political entities" to relations between "two states" and that cross-Straits talks are "bilateral talks between two states."

  Those separatist remarks by the Taiwan authorities show their intention of splitting China's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the article says.

  In fact, it says, the essence of Lee's remarks is to separate Taiwan from China and undermine the "one China" principle.

  The Taiwan authorities have long been carrying a policy of creating "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" or "the independence of Taiwan". In the past several years, they had tried different ways to make their separatist motive known, but Lee still resorted to some disguises. By saying he was pursuing a " divided China" and "seeking national reunification", he had deceived the Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and the international community, the article says.

  But this time, Lee has torn off his mask and shown his separatist intention clearly.

  The world knows that there is only one China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory and sovereignty, the article points out. It argues that, although Taiwan and the mainland have yet to be reunified, the fact remains that Taiwan is part of China and China has sovereignty over Taiwan.

  In the face of this fact, anyone having ulterior motives, including Lee Teng-hui, is overestimating his own strength, like an insect trying to dig up a tree, the commentator says.

  The reunification of the motherland is the sacred goal of every nation in the world and China is no exception, the article says. In China, where unity has been much valued, any attempt to divide the country, block its reunification, or create obstacles in the path of development of cross-Straits relations is traitorous and will be resolutely opposed to by all the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots.

  The commentator says that Taiwan compatriots, along with the people of the motherland, are expecting an all-round development of the cross-Straits relations and increasing the pace of national reunification, and those who challenge their efforts are doomed to fail.

  Those who act perversely against the will of the Chinese people will be spurned by history and be considered criminals by the whole nation, the commentator warns.

Opinion 1999-07-14 Page1

Full Story in Chinese

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