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Chinese, US Presidents Exchange Congratulatory Messages on Women's Soccer Teams

  President Clinton of the United States sent, on behalf of the American people, a letter to President Jiang Zemin on July 11 soon after the final of the third Women's World Cup.

  Clinton congratulated Jiang, the Chinese people and the Chinese women's football team on the tremendous performance the Chinese team delivered in the World Cup.

  Clinton said that he was delighted to have had the opportunity to see the two teams compete in the finest tradition of sportsmanship and friendship, that it was the closest of the World Cup finals, and that he joined the American people in saluting China's team for a terrific showing.

  Jiang replied to Clinton's letter on the same day. He told Clinton in his letter that the Chinese people were indeed proud of the tenacious Chinese women's team and that, on behalf of the Chinese people, he would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate Clinton, and through him, the American people and the American women's team on winning the championship of the World Cup.

  He also said that the Chinese and American women's teams demonstrated in full wonderful skills, sportsmanship and friendship, and that they had won high appreciation of the peoples of the two countries.

  After the match of July 11, Clinton went to see the Chinese athletes in the retiring room, shook hands with all of them and had a photo taken with them. (Xinhua)

SportsNews 1999-07-14 Page1

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