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President Jiang Meets with National Women's Soccer Team

  President Jiang Zemin and other Chinese leaders met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday with the national women's soccer team which won the silver medal at the World Cup in the United States.

  Other Chinese leaders attending the meeting were Li Peng, Li Ruihuan, Hu Jintao, Wei Jianxing and Li Lanqing, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of Chinese Communist Party Central Committee.

  Jiang, also General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, warmly congratulated the squad for its achievement, representing the State Council and the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee.

  Jiang said, the people throughout the country paid great attention to the squad's competition at the event.

  "You did not let the people down... The country and its people are proud of you," he added.

  Jiang said the good results came from the players' love of their career, hard work in training and the aspiration for perfection.

  The president hoped that the women's soccer team and all the athletes in the other sports continue to make persistent efforts in order to win more honors for China.

  Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, who was not in Beijing, also sent a letter of congratulation to the silver medallists, saying the State Council decided to commend and reward the squad.

  A celebration was co-hosted in the evening for the squad at the Great Hall of the People by the State General Bureau of Sports, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Communist Youth League Central Committee and the All-China Women's Federation. (Xinhua)

SportsNews 1999-07-14 Page1

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