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blank.gif (49 bytes)13/07/1999, updated at 16:00        blank.gif (49 bytes)weather.gif (982 bytes)archive.gif (946 bytes)search.gif (947 bytes)


NPC Chairman Meets With Romanian Parliament Deputies

  Li Peng, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, met in Beijing Monday with Ion Diaconescu, chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament, and his party.

  This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Romania, Li said, and in spite of changes in the global situation and the domestic situation in both countries, friendship continues to grow thanks to efforts by both countries.


  Li said he believes that Diaconescu's first visit here, following the visits of Romania's President Emil Constantinescu and Chairman of the Romanian Senate Petre Roman, will further promote the growth of bilateral relationship and that China hopes to further develop friendly relations of cooperation with Romania on the principle of mutual respect, mutual benefits, equality, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

  Li reiterated China's principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and its respect for the Romanian people's choice.

  Li discussed China's stand on the Taiwan issue and expressed appreciation for Romania's adherence to the "One China Policy".

  Li said that the economic and trade systems in both countries have changed in recent years and that exchanges between enterprises in both countries have become a major channel for bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

  Enterprises and companies in both countries should be encouraged to increase mutual understanding and seek a new mode of cooperation so that economic and trade ties can be broadened on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, Li said.

  Talking about exchanges between the parliaments, Li said that the NPC and both houses of the Romanian parliament have maintained friendly exchanges, which have in turn enhanced friendship and deepened mutual understanding.

  Diaconescu spoke highly of China's achievements since it started its reforms and opening-up and said that Romania's friendship with China is deeply-rooted and that a majority of the members of his party, who are making their first visit to China, will see China's vast development with their own eyes.

  The guests arrived here Sunday at Li's invitation.

HomeNews 1999-07-13 Page4

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