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We Look Forward to President Jiang's Visit: an interview with Mongolian ambassador to China

����Several days before President Jiang Zemin's state visit to Mongolia scheduled from July 15 to 17, Mr. Dagva Tsakhilgaan, the Mongolian ambassador to China, received an interview by People's Daily journalist in his embassy in Beijing.

����Tsakhilgaan said the Mongolian people are looking forward to Jiang's visit, which is believed to be a huge success. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the forging of diplomatic ties between China and Mongolia and the fifth anniversary of the signing of China-Mongolia Treaty on Friendly Relations of Cooperation. Jiang's visit will surely promote the development of Sino-Mongolian relations oriented towards the 21 century, Tsakhilgaan said.

����Tsakhilgaan said it is one of the basic principles of the Mongolian government to develop friendly relations with China, with which Mongolia has a 4,600 kilometers common border line. In recent years, economic cooperation booms in border regions of the two countries. Up to now, China has become Mongolia's second large trade partner and first investor. Mr. Tsakhilgaan thought it a miracle to achieve such dramatic accomplishments in as short as ten years. As a member of WTO, Mongolia will continuously support China's entry into WTO, which is expected to further strengthen economic cooperation of both countries.

����As representative of the Mongolian government, Mr. Tsakhilgaan expressed thanks to China for its aid and interest-free loans. He also thanked China for training program offered to Mongolia.

����In the interview, Mr. Tsakhilgaan named himself a "lucky" ambassador. When he took position in 1994, Mongolia-China relations enter a golden age after the signing of the Treaty on Friendly Relations of Cooperation. He believed that President Jiang's visit this time will further promote Mongolia-China relations, thereby serving as a milestone in his diplomatic career.

WorldNews 1999-07-13 Page6

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