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6th National Congress on Returned Overseas Chinese In Beijing

����Vice-Premier Qian Qichen on July 12 praised the contribution of returned overseas Chinese in maintaining stability and prosperity in China and asked them to work harder for the reunification of the country.

����He told the Sixth National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Relatives in Beijing that China has successfully overcome the consequences of the Asian financial crisis and last summer's devastating floods and is maintaining steady economic growth and social stability and that this is partly the result of their efforts.

����The Sixth National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Relatives opened today to discuss the work of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese over the past five years and will elect a new group of leaders.

����President Jiang Zemin and other senior leaders met with 788 delegates before the opening ceremony, which was attended by Vice- President Hu Jintao.

����Qian Qichen said that the federation and its local branches should focus more on introducing capital and talented personnel from overseas to help boost the economy and its role as a bridge of links to the rest of the world should be reinforced. (Xinhua)

HomeNews 1999-07-13 Page1

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