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Seminar Calls For China's Peaceful Reunification

  Some 200 Chinese scholars and noted figures attending a seminar on China's peaceful reunification Sunday reiterated the call for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.

  China's sovereignty and territorial integrity is inseparable, and the mainland and Taiwan both belong to Chinese territory instead of the state-to-state relations, according to a joint statement issued at the seminar that closed Sunday in Hong Kong.

  The statement calls for adherence to the "one China" stance, and opposes concepts of "one China, one Taiwan" or "two Chinas."

  It also asks both sides across the Taiwan Straits to hold political negotiations as soon as possible to end the state of hostility under the "one China" principle.

  Because of special historical elements, Taiwan people's rights and desire to be masters of their own destiny should be respected, the statement says, adding that a special arrangement acceptable to both sides must be found out for Taiwan's political status under the "one China" principle.

  The statement also expresses the hope for increased economic exchanges and cooperation, and the opposition to hindering normal economic and trade cooperation and exchanges across the Taiwan Straits by political and man-made obstacles.

  It urges Taiwan to open the direct postal, commercial and transport links at an early date, and give up their obsolete policy of restraining Taiwanese investment on the mainland, in order to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan business people on the mainland.

  On the other hand, it says, the mainland should better protect the rights and interests of Taiwan investors, simplify procedures and improve systems to woo more Taiwan investment.

  In terms of academic and cultural exchanges, the statement says the two sides of the Taiwan Straits should jointly promote Chinese culture, as both sides share the same national ideology in the same language.

  Both sides should increase academic and cultural exchanges to improve people's emotions and reduce the sense of hostility, the statement says, noting that any excuse of "localization" and policy to split China's education and culture must be opposed. (Xinhua)

Indepth 1999-07-12 Page4

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