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Spokesman on Lee Teng-Hui's Separatist Malice

  A spokesman for the CPC Central Committee's Taiwan Work Office and the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office said Sunday that recent deeds of Taiwan's Lee Teng-hui have exposed his true self and his real "separatist malice".

  According to reports from Taiwan, Lee said on July 9 that cross-straits relations should be "state-to-state" or at least "special state-to-state relations".

  This was echoed by other Taiwanese officials who said that relations between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan have changed from those between "two equal political entities" to those between "two states", and cross-straits talks are "bilateral talks between two states."

  Lee's flagrant redefinition of cross-straits relations as "state-to-state relations" exposed his political malice and intention to split the Chinese territorial integrity and sovereignty and his attempt to separate Taiwan from China, the spokesman said.

  Lee's recent words were straight forward proof that his repeated statements that he will not and has no need to pursue a policy to seek Taiwan's independence and will never give up his pursuit for unification of the country in the future were false, the spokesman said.

  Lee has been deceiving Taiwanese compatriots and misleading people internationally, he stressed.

  There is only one China in the world, the spokesman said, and Taiwan is a part of it. The Chinese territory and sovereignty cannot be segmented. Although the two parts of the Taiwan Straits have not been unified, Taiwan's status of being a part of China has not been changed and China's sovereignty over Taiwan has also not been changed. These facts are acknowledged by most countries.

  "We strongly oppose any activities for producing 'Taiwan Independence', 'Two Chinas', or 'One China, One Taiwan'," he said.

  Solving the Taiwan issue and finally reunifying the motherland is the desire of all the Chinese people and rejecting the reunification and trying to divide the country and go against the will of the Chinese people is doomed to fail, he said.

  China solemnly warns those Taiwanese divisive forces that they should stop their dangerous acts and divisive activities immediately and China will go along with Taiwanese compatriots in fully developing relations across the Taiwan Straits and pushing the peaceful reunification process forward, he said. (Xinhua)

Indepth 1999-07-12 Page4

Full Story in Chinese

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