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Tianjin Ready for IGC

  Preparation is in full swing for the International Gymnastic Championships (IGC) in Tianjin which will open on October 8 this year.

  The Emblem and mascot for the championships have been chosen. And the organizing committee has also been formed.

  Stadium and competition grounds. Interior layout inside the stadium has been mapped out according to the requirements of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG). The stadium is divided into three areas - the competition and drill area, the spectators area and the office area. The decision has won acclaim from FIG.

  Renovation of the stadium and the grounds have started. Ad boards and partition boards for drilling are being made and the illuminating gears are being changed. All this is slated to be completed prior to July 20. A press center will also be finished before July 20 covering 2080 sq m.

  Sports equipment. All sports equipment will be provided by Tianjin Chunhe Sports Equipment Factory and the US AAI. 11 categories of sports gears made by Chunhe have been approved by AAI. The organizing committee and AAI will cooperate to supply equipment for high-low bars, hoisting ring, horizontal bar, parallel bar and horse vaulting, This is well received by FIG and gym associations in other countries. All new equipment is being made and will be sent to the stadium for installation.

  Boarding, traffic and communications. 18 star-level hotels will receive the athletes. 100 buses will be ready for the event, at the same time other vehicles and taxis will be offered. Communications will be treated as important matter and will be ensured at hotels, airports, railway stations, and travelling areas. IC card- and magnetic car-telephone will be equipped at the stadium. And an overall telecommunications and post service window will be set up at the press center. By the end of August, all preparatory work will be completed in the main.

SportsNews 1999-07-03 Page4

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