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China provides vehicles, spare parts to Cambodia for auto-workshop

(Xinhua)    15:01, May 23, 2015

KAMPONG SPEU, Cambodia, May 23 -- China delivered army vehicles and spare parts to Cambodia on Saturday for a training program in auto-repair class at the Infantry Institute, officials said.

The grant aid included 44 different-type military vehicles, 20 elevators, 4 kitchen trailers, spare parts, and materials for an automotive workshop, said Chao Phirun, director of the Cambodian Defense Ministry's technical materials and logistics.

The handover ceremony was held at the Infantry Institute in west Cambodia's Kampong Speu province between Chinese Ambassador Bu Jianguo and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tea Banh.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador Bu said China and Cambodia are good neighbors, friends, brothers and partners, and the aid was to assist Cambodia in human resources development.

"I believe that these vehicles and materials will help strengthen training capacity for Cambodian military personnel," she said.

Tea Banh said the assistance truly reflected China's willingness to building human resources for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

"These equipment and materials are very necessary to use for training Cambodian cadets," he said.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Gao Yinan,Bianji)

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