Wed,Apr 23,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

FM press conference on April 22 (Full text)

(Xinhua)    10:51, April 23, 2014
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Q: A court in China ordered enforcement measures in a lawsuit against Mitsui OSK Lines. China said it is just an ordinary one involving commercial contract disputes. Is this just an individual case, or will it set a precedent for similar cases where assets of Japanese enterprises may be seized? Should Japanese enterprises feel worried because of this?

A: The case you mentioned, in its essence, is just an ordinary one involving commercial contract disputes, and it was dealt with by the Chinese court in accordance with law. As I said yesterday, it has nothing to do with war reparations. The way this case was handled reflects that China is a country under the rule of law, and is committed to providing a fair, open and transparent environment for foreign investors.

As to whether this case will set a precedent or not, we believe that this is just an individual case. In the future, relevant cases will be dealt with based on their specific characteristics in accordance with law.

Q: The Mayor of Manila is flying to Hong Kong to apologize to the families of Hong Kong tourists who died in a 2010 bus hostage tragedy in Manila. What is China's comment? Has the mainland provided assistance to Hong Kong in this regard?

A: Since this hostage incident took place several years ago, the Chinese government has been urging the Philippine side to earnestly respond to the legitimate and lawful demands of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the relatives of the victims, and to properly handle relevant issues as soon as possible.

Q: The spokesperson of the ROK Defence Ministry said that there are signs showing that the DPRK might be preparing for its fourth nuclear test. Does China know anything about that? What is China's position on that?

A: Under the current circumstances, we call on all parties concerned to keep calm, exercise restraint, stick to the goal of realizing denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, stay committed to resolving relevant issues through consultation and negotiation and unswervingly uphold peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula.

Q: Mohammad al-Laham, President of the Syrian Parliament announced earlier Monday that presidential election would be held in Syria on June 3. What is China's comment?

A: China follows what is happening in Syria very closely. Now, Syria is still in turmoil, and its people are languishing. China calls on all parties in Syria to realize a ceasefire, halt violence, advance the Geneva peace talks and work together to start an inclusive political transition as soon as possible.

Q: Please brief us on the visit to China by Hamzah Zainudin, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Malaysia.

A: The Deputy Foreign Minister of Malaysia arrives in China today. He will discuss with the Chinese side about how to properly handle relevant issues surrounding the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft. A Vice Minister of China's Foreign Ministry will hold talks with him this afternoon.

Q: So far, we are yet to see any breakthrough in the search for the missing Malaysian plane. What in China's viewpoint is the next step in the search efforts?

A: All relevant parties are still fully devoted to the search operation. It is a regret that no substantial breakthrough has been made up till now. China will remain in close communication and coordination with Malaysia, Australia and other parties. Under the guidance of the overall search plan, we will adjust our search activities in the light of new circumstances and latest developments. We will continue to play an active role in the search efforts.

Q: Today, more members from Japan's Cabinet and Diet visited the Yasukuni Shrine. What is China's response to that?

A: Yesterday, right here, I said that the Yasukuni Shrine is a negative asset to Japan. If the Japanese leader is bent on holding this negative asset, the burden it causes will only get heavier. Unfortunately, judging from what has happened overnight, that burden did get heavier.

(Editor:KongDefang、Liang Jun)

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